hot lesbians feel free to hmu

FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING FOR THE WHOLE SITE! if you have photosensitivity, proceed with caution!

formatted for firefox on pc! sorry mobile users this looks like ass LOL

ok so i played hypnospace outlaw (a very very good indie game that emulates archiving old internet-style websites in an alternate universe) and that finally gave me the push to get this page started! i wasnt quite old enough to be on myspace/geocities as a kid and understand how they worked, but i did have unsupervised access to deviantart at the age of 9 and i think that counts for something.

yes this page is heavily inspired by (basically themed on) the magnus archives. ceaseless watcher turn your gaze upon these wretched sites!!!!! the brainrot has been here for 6 months now... whenever it goes away ig this site gets a makeover LOL.

i have had this domain saved for a hot minute but started actually working on it recently since im on summer break. i have learned so much since... mainly that i am afraid of html and that anyone who says that html doesnt bite is a liar and should not be trusted.

this site was basically mashed together using a ton of other people's code and i am very thankful for all the nice people on the internet who do this stuff for fun and post it online so noobs like me can use it and yearn for a simpler time before youtube ads were unskipable and also a bajillion minutes long.

im just shouting into the void at this point (i have not linked this site anywhere) so if u have stumbled upon this page through the neocities browse tab... hi *shyly*. check out this magnus archives animation which has spoilers for the whole series and IS FUCKING COOL AHHHHHHHHH (has turned the topic back to the magnus archives again) (my bad LMAO)

feel free to check out the rest of my site too! i have some goodies sprinked around hehe